First Name
Last Name
1. How did you hear about Aimee Huffman?
2. Do you have prior experience with yoga, meditation, or other mindfulness techniques?
I'm an expert
3. Describe where you are now in your current stage of life as it relates to your physical fitness and overall feelings of health and wellbeing? What does “here” look like for you? What day-to-day stressors are present for you? What roles are you asked to play on a daily basis (father/mother, spouse, caregiver, entrepreneur, athlete, etc.)?
4. Describe where you want to be at this current stage of life as it relates to your overall fitness and health? What does “there” look like for you? How are you performing in your roles and what does it feel like like to be “there” performing and feeling your best?
5. What’s your biggest challenge and frustration as it relates to getting from #2 to #3 above - from “here” to “there”? Who or what is standing in your way?
6. What resources do you currently have that will help you move past these challenges and frustrations? What about you makes you strong and capable to overcome these challenges?
7. What have you tried so far to solve this challenge and frustration that hasn’t worked for you?
8. What are you afraid will happen if you don’t do something soon to solve this challenge and frustration?
9. How willing AND able are you to invest (time, money, energy) in enhancing your performance and boosting your health & wellbeing? Please choose the one statement that best matches your current circumstances.
a) I’m 100% committed! I am determined to increase my performance along with my health and well-being, and I will allocate the resources necessary to make it happen.
b) I’m not sure. I definitely want to boost my performance but I have a few questions first.
c) I’m pretty busy right now and don’t have the time and energy to take action. I’m looking for a quick fix and need to see results immediately.
Thank you for submitting your application! This is a huge first step towards boosting your performance and reaching your highest potential. Aimee will respond back to you within 24 hours with the status of your application and if accepted, will send you a calendar link to book your Discovery call.