How Private Yoga Can Make You A Better Athlete

You're a one-of-a-kind athlete, and your training should reflect that.

In addition to 1-on-1 health coaching sessions, I’ve taught over 1,100 private yoga sessions in the past 12 months - in-person and online - and I’ve watched dozens of students, many of them athletes, find relief from stress, overtraining and pain using this practice. To put it simply, highly personalized yoga can be a game changer.

I'll dive into the specifics shortly (or just scroll down to “Benefits”) but first, I’d like to share my experience with yoga and the positive impact it’s had on my life.

When I was 19 years old, I developed intense anxiety and panic attacks. They caused my heart to race, my throat to constrict and hyperventilation to set in. During this time I was also a D1 athlete, and my anxiety became debilitating to my performance on the court and in my day-to-day.

And then in my second year of college, I took a sport-specific yoga class that brought me relief, a feeling of lightness and momentarily lifted the weight off my chest. So I kept practicing and over the last decade, my performance in all aspects has stabilized and centered.

But early on in my yoga practice and before I took my first teacher training in 2015, I found that certain group yoga classes would amplify my anxiety and leave me feeling the opposite of grounded and centered.

These large group classes also didn’t consider my injuries at the time and I felt nervous about re-injury unless I really knew and trusted the teacher.

So I made the decision to seek out private mentorship and one-to-one yoga coaching as a form of therapy. Things got better quickly and my practice began to evolve in ways I could have never imagined.

I began to feel brave. I began to feel resilient to stress and anxiety; I felt well for the first time in many years.

Private yoga instruction has given me the preparedness to mitigate my anxiety - particularly during a pandemic.

I still seek out private sessions when I feel like a maintenance tune-up is needed, because, hey, we all need a coach, and it’s empowering to have the guidance and attention of a wellness professional that knows my body and cares about my well-being.

You see, you just need ONE person who shows up for you consistently, who meets you exactly where you are on any given day, to inspire positive and sustainable shifts in your behavior patterns, habits, and performance.

Why? To help you reclaim control of your thoughts and emotions and transform your life.

I've experienced not only the mental and emotional benefits from private yoga instruction but the physical benefits, as well. As a lifelong competitor and after years of collegiate athletics, my body has taken a toll.

I have bulging discs in my lower back and a partially torn rotator cuff but this chronic pain has become more manageable - and allowed me to keep competing - after receiving personal attention and recommendations from a respected teacher that has gotten to know my body through private sessions.

I assumed for years that I could modify on my own and had the knowledge and skills to self-regulate my movements. But there's something about being in a group setting that pushes my brain into deep "competitor" mode and there's been numerous occasions after a class that my body ached more than when I walked in. 

The point is, group classes didn't offer the same level of attention that I, personally, needed and if I had sought out private sessions sooner, I could have avoided worsening my low back instability, found a way to navigate my anxiety and improved my mental health years ago.

From a teaching standpoint, when I support my students through personalized yoga sessions and see their physical and mental pain lessen, it's a sensational feeling and why I love my job so dang much!

Whether in-person or online, and especially during this time of amplified ambiguity in our world, there's something unbeatable about having the guidance of a coach that's completely dedicated to making you feel seen, heard and cared for. This just isn't possible in a group setting - and why I chose the path of private coaching five years ago. 

Benefits of private yoga coaching vs. group yoga instruction.

Inspiration drawn from the yogis at the Chopra Center. 

  • A private yoga session caters specifically to YOUR personal needs and pace for that day, not the needs of anyone else in a group class, just you. And that level of personal attention, of being seen, can be therapeutic just on its own. When your needs are the sole purpose of the class it can uplift your energy, not to mention you'll see results faster and eventually feel confident to practice on your own.

  • Group classes can be intimidating and discouraging if you feel inflexible or “not good” at yoga, or maybe you don't want to sweat in a warm room with 15 strangers - I get it! But private instruction can give you the encouragement and mechanical understanding of the poses to help you feel flexible and stretchy in no time, plus it can help you feel more comfortable with the practice and with yourself.

  • Private yoga instruction provides you with  "off the mat" guidance that's made applicable to you and your lifestyle. These tools will enhance your ability to relax, shift your focus and gain clarity in your day-to-day. Whether you need to focus, soothe anxious feelings or improve sleep patterns, these are all things we'll talk about prior to each session.

  • Private yoga instruction offers an opportunity to speak openly about what you're experiencing in your body and headspace throughout our time together, without feeling silenced or judged. I promote a two-way dialogue and invite horizontal communication between teacher and student in my classes. Common questions I’ll ask throughout our session:

    • Do you feel comfortable in this pose?

    • Are my instructions clear?

    • Do you want to skip this pose? Because that's allowed! 

And finally, my favorite yoga myth buster:

Yoga's not about being "good" or being flexible enough to do the splits. Rather, it's about paying attention to your body and honing the skill of being good to yourself. It's about practicing a skill that will serve as a resource for you during hard times, tough workouts and well, for the rest of your life.

To put it simply, highly personalized private yoga can be life-changing and make you a better athlete - and person.

Interested in building a holistic training practice that’s personalized for you and your body? Check out my 1-on-1 holistic performance coaching program for athletes of all levels and see if it’s a good fit!

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