3 Strategies for Creating Performance Goals That Stick

Do you feel frustrated and even annoyed when it comes to setting goals and performance benchmarks? Do you feel like you’re setting yourself up for inevitable failure?

Many of us get a burst of energy around the new year; it’s a symbolic time to create resolutions and direct fresh energy towards getting stronger, eating healthier, and as an athlete - improving your personal athletic performance to reach milestones.   

But goal setting can also bring feelings of self-doubt and resentment once the newness wears off, life happens, and your discipline is tested. It may feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon and you’re only a few weeks into the new year!

And I get it.

Building a new routine isn’t easy but I’m a firm believer that it can be simple IF you know how to create thoughtful, realistic performance goals from the get-go. Because goals ARE important They provide direction and remind you where you are going and how you want to get there. 

That doesn’t mean you have to aim low - be bold with these goals - but you need the right kind of behavior change tools in your back pocket to transform your approach. When these tools are sharp and readily available, you can power through the limitations of your mind - or as I like to call them, your self-sabotaging beliefs. And trust me, we ALL have them.

”You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitation of your own mind.”

- Darwin P. Kingsley 

  1. Establish your reason why and heart-centered motive 

It may sound corny and feel contrived at first, but if you’re not clear on why you’re working towards a goal in the first place - and the desired feeling you want to come from it - then chances are you won’t be able to create the attainable milestones needed to reach your performance goals and dreams.

A few questions to get you started: 

Why do you want to train harder? 

Why do you want to beat your own time and get to the next level? 

Why does it really matter if you finish as a top three athlete in your sport? 

What’s at stake if you don’t address this nagging injury and change your routine?


There’s a difference between doing something for the sake of accomplishment (i.e. I want to finish in the top three at next summer’s triathlon) vs. doing it because there’s a burning desire to feel a certain way once you accomplish it  (i.e. I want to feel the strength, confidence, and pride that comes with being a champion - OR - when I have clearly defined goals, I’m more likely to stay disciplined and this boosts my productivity and self-esteem). 

We are emotional creatures, so when we can associate a positive feeling with a desired outcome, we’re more likely to stay the course and find the motivation to keep ourselves going when we hit setbacks.

Take a minute and do this exercise right NOW because chances are if you don’t do it now, then you won’t do it later. Find a quiet space with pen and paper, and get clear on your heart-centered motivations. Ask yourself some version of the questions above and be totally honest with yourself. 

These internal motivations are the main drivers of any behavior change and without them, you can still reach your goals, sure, but it’ll be a whole heck of a lot harder.

This concept of establishing your heart-centered motivation is at the foundation of holistic training - one I always start my clients with first - and one of THE most important to establish before you get down to the nitty gritty of creating your goals and milestones. 


2. Make your goal public and ask for support

Not only are we emotional creatures but we’re social creatures. We like to share our experiences with others, which means once you establish your motive and write out your goals, announce them publicly. This makes them more likely to be accomplished, plain and simple. 

This also adds an element of accountability and says “hey, I’m serious about making this happen and I’m asking you to help me follow through!” 

As social creatures, we could all use a support system and accountability partner to keep us focused AND inspired when life gets chaotic. I invite you to share your intentions with someone close to you whether that be a loved one or your personal training coach. 

Otherwise, goals and the changes that need to happen to reach them, remain vague and ambiguous. 

I also encourage you to visualize these goals coming true; what would it feel like to be a champion, to regain your fitness and reach your goals; where are you, who are you surrounded by?

When you see yourself accomplishing these goals and feel yourself hitting your benchmarks, you’re starting the manifestation process and well on your way to making your vision become a reality. 


3. Make your goals flexible and adaptable

I can’t stress this concept enough. It’s one that my clients need the most coaching on but once you make the mindset shift, the results will leave you feeling clear and motivated.

Just like you need flexibility in your body and adaptability in your mindset, you need adjustable goals to steer the course. Your goals must take into consideration uncontrollable variables and changing life circumstances. 

Think of this as your contingency plan to your goals that says “if situation X happens, then I will do Y.”

For example: When life happens and I can’t train at 6am this week, I’ll adjust and workout on Saturday instead. If I get injured and can’t train for a few days, that means I’ll adjust my training schedule for the week and reset.

This creates commitment and resolve to follow through to the best of your ability and within reason. 

In short, create an alternative goal when the original goal may not be accessible, so you’re giving yourself permission to adjust without getting frustrated or feeling like you failed.

Although it’s easy to be harsh with yourself and think “I blew it,” imagine if you had the back-up plan and wiggle room that kept you motivated even when faced with setbacks? It’s a game-changer. 


The three concepts above will strengthen your mindset and help you adapt a more holistic approach when it comes to goal-setting and hitting your performance benchmarks - making them more achievable.

So dream big and trust the process.

Remember, it’s about the journey rather than the final destination, and if you can let this holistic training principal guide you, I promise you’ll find greater satisfaction in your sport and reach inevitable performance growth - as an athlete and human being. 

To help you along the journey, click here to download a monthly PDF habit tracker. Because there’s nothing like manually checking off a box to keep you motivated and make your habits stick!

If you’re looking for a deeper level of support, check out my 1-on-1 holistic performance coaching program and schedule a free discovery call to see if it’s the right fit for you. 

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