Top 10 Immune Boosters

An effective way to boost your immunity and prevent illness is to consume your nutrients whole and in their original form as found within our foods.

Hippocrates said it best, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. We have the innate ability to heal AND protect ourselves through the foods we consume and the lifestyle choices we make but we must first make the conscious choice to do so if longevity is what we seek. 

Supplements and store bought vitamins such as Vitamin C can be useful but the biggest impact is going to come from consuming these vitamins and nutrients as they’re found in their most natural source; food.

Here are 10 immune boosting foods to incorporate into your diet to feel healthier and stronger; some may surprise you!

  • Red Bell Pepper - packed with vitamin C, even more so than citrus fruit!

  • Broccoli  - vegetable powerhouse loaded with vitamin A, K, and E

  • Ginger - studies show it reduces inflammation in the body and helps with a sore throat among many other amazing benefits

  • Citrus Fruits - great source of vitamin C; oranges, lemons, grapefruit, lime, and tangerines

  • Spinach - rich in vitamin C and packed with antioxidants 

  • Yogurt - live and active cultures found in yogurt may stimulate immune system; contain vitamin D and protein (opt for plain greek yogurt with zero added sugar)

  • Almonds - full of vitamin E; an important antioxidant 

  • Turmeric - used for centuries as an anti-inflammatory spice

  • Green Tea - packed with several types of antioxidants and source of the amino acid L-theanine. L-theanine may aid in the production of germ-fighting compounds in cells

  • Papaya - this fruit is loaded with vitamin C and has a digestive enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects.

For me, the easiest way to consume more of these disease fighting foods is through salads and smoothies, but experiment and find what works for you. Try cutting up fresh ginger root and make a cozy tea or incorporate yogurt and papaya into your morning breakfast.

Variety is key when it comes to nutrition, try to add all 10 of these foods into your weekly meals and allow your body to feed off different nutrients rather than eating the same thing.

Also, pay attention to serving sizes and recommended daily intake to ensure you’re not getting too much of one vitamin and too little of another.

Looking for expert guidance and 1-1 support when it comes to your immunity and building a healthy system?

Get in touch and schedule a complimentary Health SOS call with me!

Disclaimer:  The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.  

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