Diets and Cleanses in the New Year

The new year is upon us and with it a season that encourages us to try something new, not necessarily be someone new, but rather it’s an opportunity to dive in and take action for the betterment of our health and well-being and form new habits.

I believe strongly in setting new year goals and intentions, affirmations if that’s more of your jam, but I am against new year diets and cleanses and here are a few reasons why.

Diets typically translate to restrictions and rigid rules which are not sustainable and set us up for failure in the long run.

Diets often promote deprivation of important nutrients which our bodies will then crave once said diet is complete; willpower can be no match for cravings at this point and you’re back to square one.

Not to mention, diets and cleanses can send our body into starvation mode which can have adverse effects on the body such as lean muscle loss and weight gain.

Rather than performing a short-lived diet or cleanse, I like to think of it as establishing a new mindset and relationship towards food and the act of nourishing your body. Make the shift from a restrictive way of eating to finding a particular style of eating that works for your body through mindful behavior changes.

But those behaviors changes can be difficult to make and adhere to alone, and that’s when you need a coach to make fresh habits stick.

Coaching is absolutely an investment. It costs money and time but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences and best investments you can ever make. It can be difficult to ask for help, receive feedback, and let yourself be truly vulnerable with someone but I believe that a coach will help you grow, and reach the next level of athletic performance - and overall health - you may be looking for. And that is priceless.

Here’s a few reason why:

A coach helps you see the big picture - you don’t know what you don’t know.

You may not even be aware of the challenges set out before you, or perhaps you are but you’re unsure how to move past them. A coach can help you focus on the fundamentals and keep you on track as you move through your everyday and unique life, and even help you anticipate roadblocks to stay one step ahead. 

You’re feeling stuck and unsure how to move forward. 

Perhaps you feel like your sports performance has plateaued, you’ve made progress in the past but you’re not feeling the results you want and need and you know there’s room for growth. A coach can help you build upon your strengths and further identify your weaknesses in order to support your progress and evolve; whether it’s in your personal relationships, your health, career, etc., we must grow and move through stagnation. A coach provides an outsider perspective to move you forward with greater ease and efficiency!

You need accountability.

A coach can help you set measurable, realistic goals that are applicable to your life and help you actually measure those goals, so that you can see progress. You will experience set-backs and challenges, and it’s important to have not just an accountability partner but a support system that will provide you with the trusted perspective to keep going. 

But most importantly, a good coach will hold space for you and that includes the emotional and mental obstacles that accompany making changes that will effect your life in a big way and for the better.  

If you know you’re ready to make a change and work with an experienced coach that can get you the results you want, click here to see if my 1-on-1 holistic performance coaching program is right for you.

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